Monday, February 14, 2011

Arcade Fire wins Grammy, normal Americans freak out

I really thought everybody knew who Arcade Fire was. Didn't they get really famous and have all kinds of commercials (maybe just one real commercial?) and have their "Tunnel" song played everywhere? Am I living in a hipster enclave where they are way old news while the average Joes have really never heard of them? Really?

So they won Best Album of the Year. That's cool. Good for them. A lot of people didn't like that.

I like this comment from

might be time to remind everyone

that nobody in their right mind gives a damn..

1 comment:

The Last Unitard said...

I'm with the unwashed masses of sheep-people on this one.

The best album of the year should have songs people have heard before. And by people, I mean people who listen to the radio. 90% of all music listeners have never even heard the contemptible epithet, "indie", much less tuned into a college radio station.