Monday, December 6, 2010

Negroes on Ice

My favorite producer Prince Paul and his son, P. Forreal, collectively known as "Negroes on Ice" just finished their album! They are performing a "stunning narrative/musical cavalcade" (I'm guessing a live variety show type thing) to celebrate in NYC starting Dec. 22nd. Why am I moving to Chapel Hill again? You can check out old episodes of their show on UstreamTV right nyuhh.

Also, lolercaust:


Rach said...

oh man.

willis said...

Seth, when does you get in?

whodey? said...

this weekend Sat or Sun

The Last Unitard said...

I can't say that preview made me shit my pants. It was the PBRs I had for dinner last night that did that. However, if I had not already shat my pants, that preview might have caused me to do so.

palejoe said...

Why does the Beaver talk like Michael Caine??

Oh Jodie, how could you...