But enough of that nonsense. Let's get down to the thick of it and talk about the awesome stuff we got on "Do The Exact Opposite of what Jesus Told Us to Do Day".
You can post your loot in the comments section or just edit this post, whatever moves you. I will begin...
This is now the 24th year in a row that my parents didn't love me enough to get me a shotgun or a go-cart. They DID; however, get Sam, Joe and jtan, and me the greatest socks on god's green earth - Smartwool PhD.
I got some other stuff too, including an off-off-brand snuggie from Unitard and a girlfriend but these socks are something else buddy, I'll tell you what...
sweet boots from rach and blaze and a rad hat, from palejoe and willis, by way of lids. if you have yet to see these things yet, i am sorry for you.
oh oh, and a sweet painting from the unitard. and some other great stuff, including a salami. pretty good loot score all around.
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