Monday, December 13, 2010

Defending "Darkie" Soap

The thing about racism in Indiana is, well, it's different. You see, there are places you can live in Indiana and go weeks, months, years, even your whole life without ever seeing a black person.

This is why it's funny when Indiana racists are accused of racism, because they're surprised. This guy really doesn't understand what's wrong with his line of hilarious racist soaps. He especially doesn't understand why this white reporter lady is so upset by them. He thinks he's under fire for not being politically correct, which is a phrase he heard in the 90's and still doesn't understand.

Anyway, these are the kinds of people I grew up around.


P.S. Fuck you Fox 59. Fuck you and your shitty weak transmitter. You were my only possibility for watching the Simpsons, yet I could never quite move the antenna enough to make you watchable. Fuck you, you blurry asshole.

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