Tuesday, May 3, 2011

That's it, wrap it up folks

Watch all of this and weep for the world. There are no words.

Except maybe blllluuuuuurrrrrgggghhhhhsshhhhiiiiittttttttt

Also, Unitard if you post a comment saying this isn't so bad I swear I'll go upstairs while you're sleeping and smother you.


The Last Unitard said...

I hate America.

I almost wish we hadn't won the war on terrorism.

palejoe said...

Here Here

Sorry I suspected your approval. I' d normally point to the degradation of society (see games, repo) but I suppose I'm just a dick today.

Pinky said...

ok, so you tell me how many different color a mm's come in a standard bag...

palejoe said...

six, you turd

The Last Unitard said...

I've said it a million times, and I believe it more than ever:

Idiocracy is not a movie but a warning from the future. Mike Judge is trying to save us, but clearly we're not listening.

whodey? said...

while this is certainly a horrible show, i doubt most of those people are that dumb. i'm guessing most of this is staged, and a certain percent of contestants are told to answer like chucklefucks.

palejoe said...

There's that fag talk, again

The Last Unitard said...

Sweet, naïve Seth.

In this country, you never have to stage stupidity. All you do is give it a little nudge and wait for its sweet blossoms to emerge.

Blaze said...

this looks like a great show to me. someone should repo your ivory tower you fucking hippies