Wednesday, October 27, 2010

w4m - regular seeks regular

so i admit, i often cruise missed connections on craigslist.  strange, you say?  well, maybe not if you know me, and most of you do.

at any rate, i found this post on MC just now and got a kick out of it.....would have liked it better if i was, in the words of the great skeelo, "a little bit taller."

Max spotting, anyone?


The Last Unitard said...

I thought I was the only one who had noticed how athletic Max is.

Perhaps we should compare notes.

palejoe said...

That's a flattering description and all, but I have to say I'm not interested.

palejoe said...

Seriously though, how many tall guys with beards and plaid shirts are there in carrboro?

The Last Unitard said...

I'm pretty sure all the tall guys with beards and plaid shirts are in carrboro.

It's an epidemic. Soon to be a pandemic. Soon to be the apocalypse.

Speaking of beards, I'm going to shave after halloween, despite my increased jowliness and decreased chin-ness.